DUI Arrest and Posting Bail in Colorado

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Get out of jail after a DUI arrest in Colorado.DUI arrests are common throughout Colorado. People get into their car to drive home after a night out, thinking they are completely fine to drive. That’s the problem with alcohol – it impairs our judgement so that we can’t make informed, wise decisions. When someone makes a bad decision to drive after drinking, the consequences can be long-lasting. A DUI arrest often leads to a DUI conviction, which will have a negative impact on a person’s future. Let’s discuss a DUI arrest, and why it’s important to arrange posting Douglas County bail with a bail bondsman as quickly as possible.

Things to Know for a DUI Traffic Stop

When a person is pulled over for a DUI, there are many things to consider. First, you don’t have to roll your window down all the way. In fact, it is wise not to do so. That’s because the police are looking for evidence that you have been drinking – the smell of alcohol, seeing bloodshot eyes, impaired motor skills, and slurred speech are all signs a person has been drinking. The police must have probable cause to arrest someone for DUI – they gather evidence to support their probable cause arrest the moment they pull you over. Second, you should know that roadside tests (such as walking a straight line, saying the ABC’s backwards, etc.) are completely voluntary. A police officer cannot arrest you for refusing these tests. The only reason they ask you to complete them is to gather evidence – it is always wise to say no. IF the police decide to arrest you and take you in for a blood or breath test, you cannot refuse, according to the law. In this situation, it is wise to remain silent and calm, and not harass or fight back against the arrest.

DUI Arrest – Get Bailed Out Quickly

Getting arrested is not a pleasant experience. This is why it is important work behind-the-scenes to get a loved one released as soon as you hear about their arrest. Contact a bail bondsman to discuss bail bonds. When you work with a bail agent, you don’t have to pay the full bail amount. Instead, you only have to come up with a small percentage as a fee to the agent. Once you sign the bail bond, the bondsman will go to the jail and your friend or family member will be released. It is important to do this quickly after their arrest, because the early involvement of an experienced criminal defense attorney is crucial for fighting the case against them. Contact us to learn more – we are happy to answer your questions!

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Disclaimer: This article does not represent legal advice. Please consult with a lawyer regarding current laws and regulations.

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