Denver Bail Bond FAQ Part 1

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Denver bail bond FAQ - part oneThe last thing you need right now is to try to understand a lot of legal jargon. You just got the call last night that a friend or family member was arrested late last night. You are the only person who can get them out of jail – you are responsible, and care about them. Problem is, you’ve never bailed someone out of jail before. You don’t have any idea where to begin. After all, you don’t deal with the criminal justice system on a regular basis. All the legal jargon is frustrating you as you research bail bond options. In today’s blog post, we’re going to take a look at a few frequently asked bail bond questions. If you are looking for bail bonds in Weld County or across Colorado, give All American Bail Colorado a call. We are here to help you during this difficult time.

Bail Bond FAQ:


What is Bail?

When a person is arrested, the court decides on a certain amount of money that the defendant (or a friend or family member of the defendant) must pay to be released while they await trial. There are many factors that go into the bail amount, such as the type of crime the arrestee is accused of, their criminal history, and other factors. Put simply, the court wants to insure that the defendant returns to court for all court appearances. At the end of the trial, the bail money is returned (if it was posted in cash).

What is a Bail Bond?

It can be difficult to come up with bail money to get someone out of jail. Bail amounts can be very high, and if bail is paid in cash, it must be the full amount – in cash. Obviously, it can be difficult to come up with a large amount of cash quickly. This is where bail bonds come in. A bail bond (otherwise known as a surety bond) is a financial guarantee from the bail bondsman (who is backed by a special insurance company) promising that the full bail amount will be paid should the defendant skip bail.

What are the Responsibilities of the Co-Signer?

When you work with a bail bondsman, you must co-sign the bail bond. When you co-sign a bail bond, you are promising the defendant (the person you’re bailing out), will show up in court. You are responsible to pay the bail bondsman’s fee, are responsible for the full bail amount should the defendant skip bail, and often must provide collateral (such as property, a car, jewelry, stocks, bonds, etc.) that will be sold to pay the full bail amount should the defendant fail to appear.

What Does Bail Cost in Colorado?

Bail bonds cost different amounts across the United States. Here in Colorado, there is a law that states that bail bondsman cannot charge more than 15% of the full bail amount. So, bond fees range anywhere from 10-15% of the full bail amount. For example, if a person’s bail is set at $5,000, you would pay $500 to $750 as a bail bondsman fee. Obviously, this is much more affordable than coming up with the full bail amount.

Call All American Bail Colorado Today

If you have any questions about bail bonds in Colorado, call All American Bail Colorado. We are here to help you during the difficult, confusing time after the arrest of a loved one. We hope you’ve enjoyed this bail bond FAQ – stay tuned for next week’s follow up post!

Update: Read part two of Denver Bail Bond FAQ here!

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